A gif of a house. Occassionally, a black stick figure runs out then runs back inside

A picture of a Barbie with a blonde bob cut and a pink suit, facing right. A picture of a Barbie with a blonde bob cut and a pink suit, facing left.


An Undertale style text box with the Tumblr anon icon, which reads: it's me boy, arlo, speaking to you inside your brain

An Undertale style text box with the Tumblr anon icon, which reads: listen to me boy, leave the girl, we don't need her!

An Undertale style text box with the Tumblr anon icon, which reads: come with me and play my games. we'll have cowboy times in space!

An Undertale style text box with the Tumblr anon icon, which reads: you need me boy. your free will is an illusion

A brown wooden door.